City Council Announcements
October 9, 2007
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Attached is a list of potential expenses in the coming years, for Council Member consideration. They are grouped into the following general categories:
1. Capital Projects
2. Capital Projects not identified in the CIP 10 Year Plan
3. Other one-time non-Employee related future costs
4. Employee Related future costs (one-time and ongoing)
5. Current on-going expenses likely to increase
6. Other future costs (related to items that are not necessarily top priorities)
The list includes projects that would be related to the RDA as well as projects that have been discussed at one time or another as potential City expenses. It should be noted that all costs listed are estimates, and are subject to change as more information becomes available. Please contact Council Staff if you have any questions or need further clarification.
2. The City has fronted the money to complete the project for SID #102119 located in District Six (now called an SAA). Typically, now that the project has been completed and the fees have all been calculated, an assessment would be mailed out to property owners to allow them to either pre-pay the full amount owed, or begin payments on the SID. In this case however, the assessment would be received by property owners directly around the holiday season. This issue was discussed at a recent Board of Equalization meeting, and one of the board members suggested holding off on sending the notice until after the holiday season. In doing so, the property owners would technically be liable for interest payments to the City (in effect paying on the money “borrowed” from the City) until their payment was made in January. Because this option to delay came from the City however, the Administration is requesting that the interest charges be waived in this case. The Administration has calculated that the interest revenue lost to the City, if interest charges are waived, would be a total of $6,000 for the three months delay. If the property owners were to be assessed the interest on those three months, it would amount to around $25. The Administration has indicated that they are willing to waive interest charges in this case. Is the Council OK with delaying the assessment and waiving interest charges so that the assessment in January does not have the increased amount to property owners? All Council Members were in favor of waiting until after the holidays to assess for the improvement district.
3. Cindy said the Council had a meeting sheet from the Leonardo because they wanted to get together with the Council to give them a refresher on what the Leonardo was focusing on, what their status is, etc. They want to have small group meetings. Council Members wanted to invite them to a briefing session the end of October or the first part of November with the option of telephone conferences.
4. Cindy said the consultants were in on the Leonardo today. She said it was very impressive and they would be a huge resource for the Council and for the Leonardo. She said they asked if they could take a little more time on their report since the briefing was scheduled on December 4th. The Council Members wanted to get the information at least a week before the briefing.
5. Cindy said the Foothill Open Space properties there was a press event scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th at 10:30 a.m at Scenic Drive.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached are three Grant Submissions submitted by the City.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Sam Guevara, Lyn Creswell, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 10/10/2007
SUBJECT: 2007 Got Outcomes Phase II Nomination
City Council Announcements
October 9, 2007
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Attached is a list of potential expenses in the coming years, for Council Member consideration. They are grouped into the following general categories:
1. Capital Projects
2. Capital Projects not identified in the CIP 10 Year Plan
3. Other one-time non-Employee related future costs
4. Employee Related future costs (one-time and ongoing)
5. Current on-going expenses likely to increase
6. Other future costs (related to items that are not necessarily top priorities)
The list includes projects that would be related to the RDA as well as projects that have been discussed at one time or another as potential City expenses. It should be noted that all costs listed are estimates, and are subject to change as more information becomes available. Please contact Council Staff if you have any questions or need further clarification.
2. The City has fronted the money to complete the project for SID #102119 located in District Six (now called an SAA). Typically, now that the project has been completed and the fees have all been calculated, an assessment would be mailed out to property owners to allow them to either pre-pay the full amount owed, or begin payments on the SID. In this case however, the assessment would be received by property owners directly around the holiday season. This issue was discussed at a recent Board of Equalization meeting, and one of the board members suggested holding off on sending the notice until after the holiday season. In doing so, the property owners would technically be liable for interest payments to the City (in effect paying on the money “borrowed” from the City) until their payment was made in January. Because this option to delay came from the City however, the Administration is requesting that the interest charges be waived in this case. The Administration has calculated that the interest revenue lost to the City, if interest charges are waived, would be a total of $6,000 for the three months delay. If the property owners were to be assessed the interest on those three months, it would amount to around $25. The Administration has indicated that they are willing to waive interest charges in this case. Is the Council OK with delaying the assessment and waiving interest charges so that the assessment in January does not have the increased amount to property owners? All Council Members were in favor of waiting until after the holidays to assess for the improvement district.
3. Cindy said the Council had a meeting sheet from the Leonardo because they wanted to get together with the Council to give them a refresher on what the Leonardo was focusing on, what their status is, etc. They want to have small group meetings. Council Members wanted to invite them to a briefing session the end of October or the first part of November with the option of telephone conferences.
4. Cindy said the consultants were in on the Leonardo today. She said it was very impressive and they would be a huge resource for the Council and for the Leonardo. She said they asked if they could take a little more time on their report since the briefing was scheduled on December 4th. The Council Members wanted to get the information at least a week before the briefing.
5. Cindy said the Foothill Open Space properties there was a press event scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th at 10:30 a.m at Scenic Drive.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached are three Grant Submissions submitted by the City.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Sam Guevara, Lyn Creswell, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 10/10/2007
SUBJECT: 2007 Got Outcomes Phase II Nomination