City Council Announcements
October 7, 2008
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. 85th Annual Congress of Cities & Exposition Conference will be held Tuesday thru Saturday, November 11-15, 2008 at the Marriott Word Center – Orlando Florida
Are any Council Members interested in attending this conference? . She said the Chair and Vice Chair suggested was to very strictly limit travel as one alternative to cutting the budget. She said no one had said that they wanted to go to the National League of Cities and so she wanted to double check with the Council before they cancel the spaces they had reserved. No Council Members were interested in going to Orlando in November.
2. ROUND 5: Council Priorities & Projects – establishing new items (See attached) Ms. Gust-Jenson said if Council Members happen to have an announcement that they would be making in their district or about City-wide issues that it would be a nice courtesy to share with other Council Members. She said there was nothing that had happened in the last couple of years that even would relate to this. She said it was something on the list that they needed to have written up. No Council Members were in objection.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would be getting the Council information prior to next week’s Council meeting about the Council office budget so they would have information on the office budget as they consider other budget issues throughout the City. She said they would come up with alternatives so the Council could address the office budget to.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said Cindy Harris would be in touch with the Council to identify some date options at the request of the RDA staff. She said apparently the Council was interested in going on a tour of a facility that was opening up.