2008 Council Announcements

September 16, 2008


Additional City Council Announcements

September 16, 2008


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    Upcoming public-input events that Council Member Garrott would like to ask the Council to consider co-sponsoring:

Pioneer Park Salt Lake Solutions final event: A revisiting of the Pioneer Park Plan. Review Phases 2 and 3 of the plan given what we now know about the park.  Rick Graham is amenable, and the SLS group thought this would be a good way to wrap up their process. I told them I would approach the Council about offering space (COW) and staff for a 1-day event.

Question: Can Council Member Garrott proceed with staff resources to plan and participate in this event? Yes.

2.    Council Member Garrott is also working with the Transportation Division regarding a proposal for a Bike Summit:

This would be a public-input event, where a focus-group would work to devise recommendations for ordinance changes, infrastructure improvements, and policy resolutions for enforcement.  This would happen in the late winter, so that next summer we can have a renewed social contract for bikes on our streets. 

Question: Is there support of the Council to hold such an event? Yes.  Councilmember Christensen suggested utilizing the Transportation Advisory Board to ensure everyone had the same understanding and was working toward a common goal.  Councilmember Simonsen suggested including a wide variety of other organizations/boards/commissions/stake holders such as the Mayors Bicycle Advisory Board, Business Advisory Board, Planning Commission, youth groups.  Councilmember Jergensen said it would be helpful to include the Bicycle Master Plan document previously adopted by the Council.

B.    For Your Information


City Council Announcements

September 16, 2008


C.    Information Needed by Council Staff



D.    For Your Information   

Grant Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Jennifer Bruno, Lynn Creswell, Dave Everitt, Ben McAdams

FROM:       Elizabeth Myers

DATE:       9/17/2008

SUBJECT:    imagination celebration of Salt Lake City




DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Foundation

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:       Northwest Senior Center, Salt Lake City Library, Salt Lake City School District, Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center, Sorenson Unity Center & Black Box Theater, Sunday Anderson Senior Center, Utah Symphony & Opera

DATE SUBMITTED:   September 10, 2008     


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required     0%              In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)



     General program support for the 2008/2009 season of the imagination celebration of Salt Lake City, which includes: 


     21st Century Play Festival

     Children’s Opera Showcase

     Community Theater at Sorenson Unity Center Black Box Theater

     Family Art Workshops & Exhibits

     Family Theater Workshops & Performances featuring the African Children’s Choir, Captain Bree and Her Lady Pirates, and the Jungle Book

     Harmonicies Mundi Workshops & Concert

     Professional Development Workshops for Salt Lake City School District Teachers

     Strings Attached Puppetry Festival

     Tau-Polynesian Arts Festival


     No matching funds are required


 cc:  Sarah Beherns, Krista Dunn, Gordon Hoskins